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Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Lumia's will get updated to Windows 10 soon

Microsoft has all of sudden started making all the right moves (call it the Nadella effect). You can consider Windows 10 to become what Windows 8 never truly managed, same goes for Windows 10 mobile as well. Convergence is going to be highly prioritized at Microsoft (and cloud for that matter) but easy accessibility of its platform is another major bonus that consumers might get from here on.

They've already announced the prospect of giving free Windows 10 update to all Windows 7 and 8 users and now, Lumia users (across all spheres) could relish the chance to get Windows 10 on their phones.

As confirmed by Joe Belfiore, the software guy at Microsoft has given crystal clear indication that Windows 10 will indeed make its way to ALL Lumia devices, including the low-end ones. His marked tweet refers to building Windows 10 update for 512MB Lumia phones and in that space you have Lumia 520, one of the popular phones in India.

However, before you jump in delight, we'd like to tell the Lumia 520 users that Microsoft's priority is to get Windows 10 on all phones, which is why they are not overly worried about the set of features to include. So, if you're expecting to get all the Windows 10 goodies on budget phone then you might have to look elsewhere. What features are expected to be part of Windows 10 for low-rung Lumia? It's hard to share that right now but we expect to hear more on this through Microsoft in the coming months.

The Windows 10 update will be released in regular intervals for varied markets and devices which might end up taking lot of time before Windows 10 (on mobile) becomes globally available.

The Technical Preview version (for select users) is expected to be released very soon and that might give us clarity as to what or what not the Lumia 520 will get (or miss) with Windows 10 mobile version.
Source - gizmodo
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