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Monday, 9 February 2015

Google shutting down Gtalk on February 16

Within two weeks from now, you’ll have to switch from Google’s Gtalk messenger platform to its all new Chat facility “Hangout”. Millions of users have been using the Google talk for a long time and they’ve become so comfortable with it that no one has ever thought of moving away from Google Talk. So, Google has decided to force users by shutting down Gtalk forever.

Hangout is the future for Google and hence taking down Gtalk is the most logical thing that Google can do. Signs of Gtalk going down was confirmed when Google decided to cut support (security and version) for the desktop application bringing its end closer to the reality. As highlighted by Google the ‘IM service will be wholly replaced by the Hangouts app soon, which can be used only via its Chrome web browser.

Gtalk will breathe its last on February 16 and will leave us! Like all good things, Gtalk will also become history (just like how Orkut and few social website have been). . WhatsApp has now moved to PCs as well and its going more viral around the world ,which has made Gtalk all the more redundant (not many would agree to that), so with Hangout, Google wants to make instant messaging; interactive and visual appealing experience.

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