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Friday, 23 January 2015

Nifty Little Bracelet Turns Your Hand Into A Touchscreen Device

Even if you are not a technology geek, you need to take a look at this.
A Parisian design company has found yet another way to raise the bar for wearable gadgets by creating a conceptual bracelet that turns the surface of human skin into a touchscreen device. you may wonder. how?
Take a look below and we'll answer your questions. Or maybe we'll raise even more.

This is Cicret, a projection-based wristband that lets you operate your mobile devices on the surface of your arm.

Cicret wirelessly connects to your smartphone or tablet and projects the screen on your skin using a pico-projector and proximity sensors.

According to the developers, users will be able to read emails, play games, answer calls, use maps... basically, everything that's possible on a mobile device.

Naturally, there is a lot of speculation on whether or not such a gadget could be possible and effective in everyday use.
Some Internet users are skeptical about the battery life and price, which might be too high for a regular consumer (estimated price is approximately $470). Others worry about whether having arm hair or tattoos which might interfere with the projection. However, the device is receiving significant support from people with disabilities who appreciate the device's ease of use.




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