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Thursday, 29 January 2015

Best Ways to improve your monitor you stare all day


#1. Pair Your Tablet with Your Monitor

This one's not so much about using your main monitor, but about offloading some of those windows to your tablet so you have more screen real estate. You'll also be able to do things that a non-touchscreen monitor can't do, like tapping to use the calculator. These apps connect your mobile device to your monitor. You can also use the Kindle as a second monitor.

#2. Use Your Monitor for Photo Backgrounds

If you want to take more professional-looking photos, your monitor may be the perfect backdrop. Just find a great background for your monitor and place the object you're capturing in front of it. If you use a green background, you'll be able to easily "green screen" your photos for background removal (just like they do in the movies!). Sort of related (not really), set your desktop wallpaper to what's behind the monitor(s) in your workspace, and it'll make your desk feel more spacious.

#3. Buy the Best New Monitor

Sometimes, it's best to just upgrade your monitor or buy another one to extend your digital workspace. So, here's how to shop smartly: First, know the differences between different types of computer monitors. Consider whether a 4K monitor is right for you (or a cheap 4K TV can sub for your monitor).

#4. Set Your Monitor Up Ergonomically

Our desk setups tend to be very unfriendly to our bodies, but proper positioning of our tech could mitigate some of the damage. When it comes to your monitor, you'll want to keep it an arm's length away and the top of the monitor at about eye level. Special computer glasses can also help prevent eyestrain and other Computer Vision Syndrome issues.

#5. Use Apps and Shortcuts to Control Your Monitor

Your monitor's built-in tools are alright for basic settings tweaks, but if you want even more control, apps and keyboard shortcuts will help. We're big fans of F.lux and Chrome extension G.lux for automatically adjusting your screen brightness and temperature (so that blue light doesn't wreck our sleep), as well as multi-monitor tools like DisplayFusion and Synergy that maximize our multi-monitor setups. If you want to quickly put your monitor to sleep, there's a shortcut for that, and there's an app for locking your monitor too.

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